Taking this step is an effort to make sure you are a great fit for the work we will do together AND you feel like working with me is the exact place you want to be...
I want anyone investing their time, money, energy and resources to know this is a FULL BODY yes to yourself and to the work we will do together.
The application and call process is to make sure we vibe and that you feel confident in your decision
No pressure, no hard pitch. All love and support.
verb: grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment
noun: An instance of suddenly performing or developing in an impressively successful way
The deposit makes the energetic commitment to show up.
If either of us do not feel my coaching or container is not right for you, you will receive a full refund. The deposit otherwise goes towards your first month's payment.
This is unlike any business retreat you will have experienced before…
Because we know strategy skyrockets when your business and life finally exist in complete alignment.
This experience moves beyond strategies, tactics and adding more to your plate…
…Into full embodiment of the woman you are meant to be.
…Into deep alignment with your highest self and soul’s purpose
…Into the true meaning of conscious creation
… surround yourself with other women playing a different kind of game…
… together in transformation that will lead to growth in every dimension…
… step into the most aligned, authentic and self realized leader you’ve ever been
… have complete clarity on how to fully quantum leap into the business owner and woman you already know you are
Each day is curated to create an intentional shift within…
…to deepen your connection to your authentic leadership
… expand your alignment with your highest purpose